Preschool and Daycare
About Family Life
Family Life Christian Preschool and Daycare offers quality Christian care, guidance, and growth for children ages fifteen months through twelve years old. Family Life was founded by First Reformed Church of South Holland in 1981 as a community outreach program and is now a non-profit, state-licensed center. We at Family Life take pride in our excellent, highly-qualified, loving staff members who devote their time and energy to each child at our school. Together, the church board, pastor, Daycare director, Daycare board and staff work towards the following goals:
1. To provide a safe, secure environment for play and learning.
2. To foster increased self-awareness.
3. To deepen love for God and for His Word, family, and others.
4. To guide social growth and provide companionship.
5. To stimulate cognitive growth, creative interest, physical activity, sensory channels, language experience, artistic expression, music appreciation, and independent success.
Our Curriculum
The A Beka Book approach to Christian education helps your child attain superior academic achievement based on the truth of God's Word while keeping learning lively, interesting, and memorable. The materials reflect sensible theory that is firmly anchored to practical application within the subjects of Bible, Reading, History, Math, Science, Health, English, Music & Art.
The A Beka curriculum comes with a set of textbooks and workbooks for your child which they will spend the year completing here at school. The curriculum is designed to incorporate the following: speech and language development, math, science, music, health, creative play, drama, art, physical activities, life skills, pre-reading skills, phonics, Bible stories and prayer.
Our Teachers
The staff of Family Life meets the state of Illinois’ requirements for a preschool and daycare program. Head classroom teachers have the proper amount of college credits and education to qualify for the position. All staff are required to attain continuing education hours throughout the year to further advance their education.
Family Life seeks out warm, caring, professional, responsible, dedicated, and motivated staff who share a similar faith in Jesus Christ. Our main goal is to keep your child safe, which we are able to accomplish with our great child-to-staff ratio.

Jesus Time
Because our staff is committed to serving God by meeting your family’s needs, we meet together each morning to start our day with prayer, praises to God, and a Bible lesson. We call this ‘Jesus Time.’ Like our preschool program, our ‘Jesus Time’ is focused on Christ’s love for us and our love for others which helps your child to grow more spiritually in the Lord.
Daily Schedule
6:00 – 8:00: Creative Group Play Time
8:00 – 9:00: Organized Circle Time
9:00 – 9:30: Jesus Time & Morning Prayer
9:30 – 10:00: Bathroom & Snack Time
10:00 – 11:45: A Beka Curriculum Learning
11:45 – 12:15: Bathroom & Lunch Time
12:15 – 1:00: Independent Centers Activities
1:00 – 3:00: Rest Time
3:00 – 3:30: Wake-Up & Bathroom Time
3:30 – 4:00: Snack Time
4:00 – 5:00: Outdoor Play & Game Time
5:00 – 6:00: Creative Group Play Time
(Schedule varies by class. Please see schedule posted in each room.)
Admission Requirements
We at Family Life welcome children of any race, color, ethnic origin, and religion. Our religious instruction is Bible-based.
We welcome children ages fifteen months through twelve years old year-round within our various programs. These programs include:
1. Toddler Care (ages fifteen months until potty-training has been achieved)
2. Nursery 2
3. Preschool 3
4. PreK 4
5. Kindergarten 5
6. Summer Camp, After-School Care, School Breaks & Intercessions (Kindergarten through age 12, early June through late August).
Family Life provides fun, nutritious morning and afternoon snacks for your child each day, as well as a hot lunch which includes a main dish, vegetables, fruit, and milk.
We take part in the Illinois Child and Adult Care Food Program, so all meals are in compliance with their standards.
School-Aged Care
Family Life offers after-school care for school-aged children and we also provide educational camps during the school breaks. During the summer we offer an excellent educational and fun program for up to forty school-aged children.
Contact Us
Family Life Christian Preschool and Daycare
15924 South Park Ave.
South Holland, IL 60473
Phone 708.333.0628
Fax 708.527.3121
Director: Victonia Smith
Assistant Director: Donna Barksdale